Desktop calendar.

Desktop calendar as company’s new year gift. Made the schedule side simple and clean so there are enough space to write user’s plans. The image sides have twelve world heritages to promote trips to Japan. This calendar is often used at travel agency’s counter. The customers will see the world heritage pictures and the information while the staff is using the calendar side.

This calendar come with several shapes of transparent stickers. The round one is to mark the national holidays of user’s country. The triangle ones are to put on the corner of the date grid, so you can make special mark up. Also there are stickers come with words like meeting or birthday to organize their schedule.

Client: All Nippon Airways, Year: 2013, Concept: World heritages in Japan

  • Cover page with airplane image.
    Desktop calendar
  • Monthly schedule page.
    Desktop calendar
  • Back side is image page. Featured world heritages in Japan.
    Desktop calendar
  • Back side is image page. Featured world heritages in Japan.
    Desktop calendar
  • Contact page.
    Desktop calendar
  • Stickers to mark.
    Desktop calendar
  • Using stickers in the calendar.
    Desktop calendar
  • Im on Facebook